About Us

Dear friends in Christ,


Through this page we would like to tell you about us. We are a group of people serving the Lord mainly in Northern India but also in many other parts of our country. We are committed to spread the Word of God in as many languages as possible. Punjabi is a North Indian language spoken by millions of people in punjab, India and around the world. Through this website we want to reach Punjabi Christians who live in Punjab, in various parts of India and in other country. On this website you will be able to find Holy Bible, Christian Literature, songs, videos etc. in Punjabi language. 

We want you to join us in spreading the Word of God in and across our country. Therefore, please feel free to send us any Christian content you have like Book/Articles, Songs/Messages in MP3 Audio/Video format. We will publish it online under your name and you will be the copyright owner of every material which you provide.

We appreciate your prayers and partnership.

Please forward this mesage and share the website www.punjabivirsa.co.in to your friends, family members, co-believers, co-workers and acquaintances etc. Send us articles/other resources for publishing.

If you want to take part in this project, please contact us at : johnsonjacob07@gmail.com,                                                                                                                                                   punjabivisra2015@gmail.com



Remember us in your prayers,

God Bless you all.

Team Punjabi Virsa

Your encouragement is valuable to us

Your stories help make websites like this possible.